The Exegetical Days 2024 will be held on September 23–24 in Lund, on the theme "Simplicity and Diversity in Rome". Invited speakers are Michael Wolter (Universität Bonn), Catrin Williams (University of Wales), Wally Cirafesi (Lund University) and Samuel Byrskog (Lund University).
Monday September 23
Room: LUX:C121
9.00 Welcome! (Blaženka Scheuer)
9.15 Annual meeting (Svenska exegetiska sällskapet)
10.30 Coffee
11.00 Samuel Byrskog: Introduction to the Romans Debate
11.15 Michael Wolter: Paul’s Letter to the Romans as a Theological Re-reading of his Letter to the Galatians
12.00 Lunch
13.15 Catrin Williams: The Use of Scripture, Especially the LXX, in Romans
14.00 Break
14.15 Wally Cirafesi: Did Paul Expect Roman Christ-Followers to Go to Synagogue?
15.00 Coffee
15.30 Panel discussion
16.15 Summation
18.30 Supé: Linnéum at LUX
For information, contact blazenka.scheuer@ctr.lu.se
Tuesday September 24
Lokal: LUX:B417
För academic teachers and scholars only, and in Swedish only
9.00 Welcome! (Mikael Larsson)
9.10 Worskhop: Att använda kommentarer i undervisning (Samuel Byrskog och Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer)
10.30 Coffee
11.00 Group discussion: Att använda kommentarer i undervisning
12.00 Lunch
13.15 Panel discussion: Bibelkommentarer på svenska – vad, hur och varför (LarsOlov Eriksson, Frida Mannerfelt, David Davage; moderator: Jennifer Nyström)
14.15 Coffee and Summation
Annual Meeting